domingo, 18 de mayo de 2014

Types of narrator

Let's revise a bit
Are you studying for our Literature test? Remember that it's on Wednesday!
Last week we saw different kinds of narrator. In order to practise, I want you to look at these examples and decide which is the narrator (first, second or third) in each paragraph. Write your answers as a comment!

Come on! Yo can do it! These are the extracts:

1. “When Mr. Botibol woke the next morning he lay quite still for several minutes with his eyes shut, listening for the sound of the wind, waiting for the roll of the ship. There was no sound of any wind and the ship was no trolling. He jumped up and looked out of the window.”
(A Swim, by Roald Dahl).

2. “There were six of us at dinner that night at Mike Schofield’s house in London: Mike and his wife and daughter, my wife and I, and a man called Richard Pratt.”

(Taste, by Roald Dahl).

3. “For young and old alike, a trip to the beach means relaxation, adventure, and a temporary escape from the worries and responsibilities of ordinary life. Whether swimming or surfing, tossing a volleyball or just snoozing in the sand, a visit to the beach means fun. The only equipment you need is a twelve-inch deep pail, a small plastic shovel, and plenty of moist sand.”
(How to build a sand castle).

4. “I was born in the working-class. Early I discovered enthusiasm, ambition, and ideals; and to satisfy these became the problem of my child-life. My environment was crude and rough and raw. I had no outlook, but an uplook rather. My place in society was at the bottom. Here life offered nothing but sordidness and wretchedness, both of the flesh and the spirit; for here flesh and spirit were alike starved and tormented.”

(What life means to me, by Jack London).

5. “Rub a little on the back of your neck, your forehead and your wrists before you start fishing, and the blacks and skeeters will shun you. The odour of citronella is not offensive to people. It smells like gun oil. But the bugs do hate it.”

(Camping Out, by Ernest Hemingway).

6. “When Jane and Elizabeth were alone, the former, who had been cautious in her praise of Mr. Bingley before, expressed to her sister how very much she admired him."

(Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen).

Science and Social Studies

Getting ready for the World Cup

Hello everyone! Remember that we're getting ready for the next Football World Cup. And so, we're studying about the countries which will take part in the competition. Remember that, as we are not having a term test, you have to hand in your assignment about one of the countries on Tuesday.

I'm sure you'll get a very good mark!

Good luck!

Miss Luchi.

viernes, 16 de mayo de 2014

Creating our puppets !!!

Lively puppets ! Letting our imagination fly !! 
The objetive of this activity is to Share through humour!! 

miércoles, 7 de mayo de 2014


Fecha: miércoles 14 de mayo.


  1. Lectura de un cuento.
  2. Comprensión de texto.
  3. Dictado de palabras trabajadas.
  4. Producción escrita.
  5. Características del cuento maravilloso.

martes, 6 de mayo de 2014

Primeros Trimestrales de Matemática y Cs. Sociales

Matemática: martes 13 de mayo
Ciencias Sociales: jueves 15 de mayo

Temario 1er. Trimestral Matemática 5to. 2014

  1. Numeración.
1.1. Orden, números y cálculos.
1.2. Leer, escribir y formar números.
1.3. Cálculos mentales de multiplicaciones y divisiones.
1.4. Funcionamiento del sistema de numeración.
1.5. Situaciones problemáticas.

  1. Operaciones.
2.1. Adición.
2.2. Sustracción.
2.3. Multiplicación.
2.4. División.
2.5. Trabajo práctico de divisiones.
2.6. Situaciones problemáticas.

  1. Geometría.
3.1. Figuras con regla y compás.
3.2. La circunferencia.
3.3. Triángulos.

Temario 1er. Trimestral Ciencias Sociales 5to. 2014

  1. Por qué la Argentina es un país.
1.1. Territorio.
1.2. Población.
1.3. Gobierno.
1.4. División política de la Argentina.
1.4.1. Veintitrés provincias.
1.4.2. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.

  1. El territorio de la Argentina.
2.1. Noción de mapa bicontienental de la República Argentina.

  1. Gobierno de la Nación.
3.1. Forma de gobierno.
3.2. Poderes.
3.2.1. Legislativo.
3.2.2. Ejecutivo.
3.2.3. Judicial.

  1. Gobiernos provinciales.
4.1. Derechos de los gobiernos federales.
4.2. Municipios.
4.3. Gobernador y legisladores.

  1. Gobierno bonaerense.
5.1. Gobernador.
5.2. Legislatura de la Provincia.
5.3. Suprema Corte de Justicia.

domingo, 4 de mayo de 2014

Playing with names

Meanings for names!
In Literature, we played with our names, using each of our letters to write a word that represents us in some way. You were really original!

How much information!

Science and Social Studies

These weeks, we have been working with the different landforms and we have copied a lot in our folders!

But we have also worked with our maps and we have marked all the countries in the American continent. 

If you click here, you can have a look at all the maps we have looked at. Enjoy studying and learning!

Remember that... the World Cup is waiting for us!

Comenzamos a trabajar con "Edmodo"

Hace unas semanas les propuse a los chicos de quinto comenzar a transitar el camino del e-learning a través de una plataforma especialmente diseñada para educación llamada Edmodo.
El desafío es grande...¡pero pusimos manos a la obra!.
Primero creamos entre todos "el acuerdo esencial" de uso de la plataforma explicitando todas las actividades que podemos hacer y la manera en que tenemos que comportarnos en este espacio de aprendizaje virtual, que quedó pegado en el aula y que seguiremos construyendo en la medida que surjan nuevas reglas y necesidades.
Luego cada alumno se registró en la clase de Miss Silvina para empezar a trabajar. Al principio nos costó un poquito recordar los usuarios y contraseñas pero finalmente¡¡ lo logramos!!.
Todas las semanas vamos realizando progresivamente actividades que le permitan a los chicos familiarizarse con esta herramienta y los resultados son cada vez mejores.
Nos proponemos que cada alumno tenga un espacio de publicación escolar, que pueda compartir con sus pares y docentes a través de las redes con responsabilidad y autonomía, y que finalmente pueda convertirse en un ciudadano digital atento y respetuoso.

¡Nos vemos en Edmodo!